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Your Parish Church

St Nicolas' Church

This page shows you the pattern of services for the foreseeable future. You'll find the same information on the centre spread of the Parish Magazine.

Scroll down for details of services at Hawkesley Church. 

Services from May 24.jpg
Hawkesley Church

Hawkesley Anglican/Methodist Church meets for worship each Sunday at 10.30 am in the School Hall at Hawkesley Primary Academy, Shannon Road, Kings Norton, B38 9TR. Children and adults are most welcome at this family service. It is relatively informal and suitable for those who wish to worship in the Anglican or Methodist traditions. 

We are a friendly and welcoming congregation and we organise a number of events which are open to all. Some are mainly of a social nature such as the pancake evening on Shrove Tuesday, a quiz evening, which includes a fish and chip supper and a Christmas Coffee Morning.

Services follow this pattern.

1st Sunday of the month :  Methodist service
2nd Sunday of the month : Anglican Holy Communion.
3rd Sunday of the month :  Morning Praise.
4th Sunday of the month :  Methodist service
5th Sunday of the month :  No service at Hawkesley. United Service at St Nicolas' Church

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