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Welcome to Kings Norton
Sunday Worship

Kings Norton is an Anglican parish. The Church of England enjoys a rich variety of styles of worship, many of which are once again in regular use. You can find full details of our services here. Please explore our Noticeboard and Documents pages, keep up to date with our Magazine and join us on Facebook, if you are able. 

Kings Norton is a large Anglican parish on the southern edge of Birmingham, England. It sits astride the border between Birmingham and rural Worcestershire. At its heart, for the last 900 years, has stood St Nicolas' Church. This ancient building is in daily use and highly visible, widely known and woven into the stories of many. It stands as a living sign of Christ’s shelter, hope and welcome at the heart of a thriving community of about 28,000 people. 

Meet The Team

Kings Norton Parish is served by a team of clergy and lay (non-ordained) staff who share the many and varied responsibilities of church life between them under the leadership of the Team Rector, Revd Larry Wright (back row, centre). Any member of the team can be contacted via the Parish Office, which is where all enquiries should be directed in the first instance. 

Read All About Us!

The Parish Magazine is a great place to find out about Kings Norton and its people, past and present.  

We have a regular team of contributors, but new talent is always welcome, as is news of events within the Kings Norton community, in all its diversity. Although the magazine published by your local church, it's not all about church life. You'll find something of interest here, whether you're keen on local history, lifelong learning, gardening, travel, lifestyle and many other popular topics. 

Dig Deeper

What is the Christian faith and why do we think it matters? Follow these links to find out why a man who died 2,000 years ago holds the key to a life of meaning and purpose.

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