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The Parish Magazine

The Kings Norton Parish Magazine serves both the church and the wider community. It combines a broad range of articles, many of them written by local people, about life in this corner of Birmingham, past and present. 

We print 270 copies a month, which are distributed either by local volunteers or by post. Volunteers are always in short supply. Please contact the Parish Office if you are able to help. 


David Ash, the editor is always on the look-out for new talent. If you would like to contribute to a future edition, please let the Parish Office know.

We want you to go on buying the magazine, so we don't make it freely available online until 3 months after it is published. The Previous Editions button below will take you to all recent issues since February 2014, with the exception of the last three, which can be bought & downloaded here. Alternatively, click This Month to see selected pages from the current issue.

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